WIS Dept of Revenue

WIS Dept of Revenue mission is to administer finance and tax laws of the State of Wisconsin fairly and efficiently in order to promote public confidence and compliance, while providing excellent customer service. WIS Dept of Revenue address is 819 N. Sixth St., Room 408, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203-1606, the main phone number is 608-266-2776.

What is WIS Dept of Revenue phone number?

WIS Dept of Revenue phone number to call Wisconsin Department of Revenue and speak to a real person is 608-266-2776.

WIS Dept of Revenue Responsibilities

Watch this video to learn about WIS Dept of Revenue responsibilities, activities, services and more.

WIS Dept of Revenue Fax Number

WIS Dept of Revenue fax number where you can send fax messages, documents and forms is (608) 267‑1030.

WIS Dept of Revenue Address

WIS Dept of Revenue address to send official mail, documents, complaints, requests, and forms is:

Wisconsin Department of Revenue (WIS Dept of Revenue)
819 N. Sixth St., Room 408
Wisconsin 53203-1606

WIS Dept of Revenue Website

WIS Dept of Revenue website where you can get the latest news, updates, executive directors’ information, public announcements and more, can be accessed by clicking here.

Dept-of-Revenue.com is providing updated information for WIS Dept of Revenue and DOR nationwide, by state. It is a completely independent website that has no affiliation with any of the federal or state’s government departments, bureau, offices, agencies, boards, or commission.

Dept of Revenue
WY Dept of Revenue
AL Dept of Revenue
AK Dept of Revenue
AZ Dept of Revenue
AR Dept of Revenue
CA Dept of Revenue
CO Dept of Revenue
CT Dept of Revenue
DC Dept of Revenue
DE Dept of Revenue

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